hE Bob`s Burgers Movie' is an animated, big-screen, musical comedy-thriller-journey primarily based totally on the long-jogging Emmy®-triumphing series. The tale starts while a ruptured water important creates a widespread sinkhole proper in the front of Bob's Burgers, blocking off the doorway indefinitely and ruining the Belchers' plans for a successful summer. While Bob and Linda warfare to maintain the commercial enterprise afloat, the children try and clear up a thriller that would shop their family's restaurant. As the risks mount, those underdogs assist every different discovery wish and combat to get returned at the back of the counter, wherein they belong.
Rating: PG-13 (Language|Rude/Suggestive Material)
Genre: Mystery & Thriller, Comedy, Animation
Original Language: English
Director: Bernard Derriman, Loren Bouchard
Producer: Loren Bouchard, Nora Smith, Janelle Mary
Writer: Loren Bouchard, Nora Smith
Release Date (Theaters): May 27, 2022, Wide
Runtime: 1h 42m
Distributor: 20th Century Studios
Aspect Ratio: Scope (2.35:1)